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New Moon Magic: A Ritual for the Dark Moon

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Welcome to Cunning Folk Media’s Lunar Magic Series

This is the first post in our series on Moon Magic, where we will explore the mysteries and meanings of each lunar phase and how you can work with them in your magical practice. Whether you are a seasoned witch or a curious seeker, you will find something to inspire and inform you in this series.

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The moon is a powerful ally for anyone who wants to tap into the cycles of nature and our neighborhood of the greater cosmos. Earth’s only natural satellite, the Moon, influences the tides, the seasons, the plants, the animals, and of course, us—all humans. By aligning ourselves with the moon’s phases, and honoring our deeply historical and mythic connection to its cycles of light and darkness, we can enhance our intuition, creativity, powers of manifestation, healing, and our collective and individual spiritual growth.

The moon has eight main phases:  

  1. New
  2. Waxing Crescent
  3. First Quarter
  4. Waxing Gibbous
  5. Full
  6. Waning Gibbous
  7. Third Quarter
  8. Waning Crescent

Each phase lasts about three and a half days and has its own magical energy and mythic symbolism. In this post, we will focus on today’s New Moon, also known as the Dark Moon, which occurs when the moon is completely hidden from our view, as it aligns with the sun.

What is the New Moon?

The new moon is the beginning phase of a new lunar cycle, which lasts about 29½ days in total. It is a time of renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings. Magically, this lunar phase is seen as the perfect time to set intentions, plant seeds, and initiate projects. It is also a time to clear away the old and make space for the new.

Historically, this phase of the moon is seen as (literally and figuratively) a time of darknessmystery, and pure potential. It is a time to seek guidance from within, to listen to our inner voice, and to connect with our deepest desires. It is a time to embrace the unknown, to trust the process, and to surrender to the divine.

The new moon is associated with the element of earth, the direction of north, and the zodiac signs of CapricornTaurus, and Virgo. It is ruled by the planet Saturn, the lord of time, karma, and structure. It is linked to the archetypes of the cronethe wise womanthe witch, and often linked to the Greek titaness and goddess Hekate (alternately spelled Hecate).

How to Celebrate the New Moon and Honor Hekate, Greek Titaness of the Crossroads and Goddess of Magic

There are many ways to honor and work with the new moon in your magical practice. Here are some suggestions:

  • Create a new moon altar. Decorate it with symbols of the new moon, such as black candles, crystals (such as black tourmalineobsidianonyx, or hematite), herbs (such as sagerosemary, or lavender), and images of the Dark Moon or Hekate. You can also add items that represent your intentions or goals for the new lunar cycle.
  • Perform a new moon ritual. A simple ritual might involve lighting a black candle, stating your intention, and visualizing it coming to fruition—using the pan-sensory visualization technique, meaning you feel the emotions and satisfaction of your intention as if it were already realizedfully manifested in the present. You can also write your intention on a piece of paper and burn it, bury it, or release it into water. Another potent spiritual practice is to meditate, chant, or pray to the personification of the New Moon—or even more powerfully, Hekate, for guidance and support.
  • Do a new moon tarot or oracle reading. You can use a specific new moon spread, or simply draw one card to reflect on the theme or message of the new moon for you. You can also ask questions such as: What do I need to releaseWhat do I need to embraceWhat do I need to focus on? or What do I need to manifest?
  • Do a new moon journal entry. You can employ writing prompts such as:
    • What are my intentions for the new lunar cycle?
    • What are the steps I need to take to achieve them?
    • What are the challenges or obstacles I might face?
    • How can I overcome them?
    • What are the resources or allies I can rely on?
    • How can I celebrate my progress and success?
  • Do a new moon cleansing. You can cleanse yourself, your home, and your belongings of any negative or stagnant energy during this lunar phase. You can use methods such as smudging, spraying, sweeping, or sound bathing. You can also take a cleansing bath with salt, lemon, and flower petals. Now is your chance declutter, donate, or dispose of anything that no longer serves you or brings you joy.
  • Practice creative and intuitive New Moon Magic! You can cast spells or perform rituals for any purpose aligning with this phase of the moon and its energy, such as for initiationsbeginningsnew opportunitiesnew relationshipsnew projectsnew habitsnew skillsnew perspectivesnew insightsnew adventures—and so on.

A Modern Ritual for the New Moon

If you want to try a simple but effective new moon ritual, here is one that you can do with minimal tools and preparation. You will need:

  • black candle
  • piece of paper and a pen
  • fireproof container
  • lighter or matches

Ritual Steps

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. You can do this ritual indoors or outdoors, as long as you are safe and respectful of your surroundings.
  2. Light the black candle and place it on a table or altar. Sit or stand in front of it and take a few deep breaths. Relax your body and mind and center yourself in the present moment.
  3. Say aloud or in your mind: “I welcome the new moon and its energy of renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings. I honor the goddess Hekate and her wisdom, guidance, and protection. I ask for her blessing and assistance in this ritual and in my life.
  4. On the piece of paper, write down your intention or goal for the new lunar month. Be as specific and positive as possible. For example, instead of writing “I don’t want to be stressed”, write “I want to be calm and peaceful”—or, better yet, “I am calm and peaceful”. Instead of writing “I want to lose weight”, write “I want to be healthy and fit”—or, again more presently, “I am healthy and fit.” Again, this goes back to our pan-sensory visualization technique—but more on that shortly!
  5. Fold the paper and hold it in your hands. Use our “pan-sensory visualization technique”:
    • Close your eyes and with every sensory modality at your command, “visualize” your intention as if it has already happened—smell it, taste it, touch it, know it is already written in the stars!
    • Feel the emotions, sensations, and thoughts that come with it.
    • Imagine how your life will be different and better because of it.
    • Then affirm it aloud or with your inner voice: “This or something better is now manifesting in my lifeSo mote it be.”
  6. Open your eyes and place the paper in the fireproof container. Light it with the candle flame and watch it burn. As it burns, say aloud or in your mind: “As this paper burns, so does my intention manifest. As the smoke rises, so does my intention reach the universe. As the ashes remain, so does my intention become reality.
  7. When the paper is completely burned, thank the new moon and/or Hekatefor their presence and support. Say aloud or in your mind: “Thank you, New Moon, for your energy of renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings. Thank you, Lady of the Crossroads, The Torch-Bearer, and Anima Mundi, Hekate, for your wisdom, guidance, and protection. Thank you for your blessings and assistance presently in this ritual and in my life. Blessed be.
  8. Blow out the candle and dispose of the ashes safely. You can bury them in freshly dug earth, scatter them to the winds, or wash them down the drain. You can also keep them in a small jar or pouch as a reminder of your intention or as a possible ingredient for future magic.
  9. Celebrate your ritual by doing something that makes you happy and confident. You can dance, sing, play music, read a book, watch a movie, eat a treat, or anything else that brings you joy. You can also share your intention with a trusted friend or family member—or, do what is always good practice: record your working in your journal! Your journal, or magical record, if given enough energy, creativity, and timely effort, will become your personal grimoire, your very own Book of Shadows.

A New Moon Surprise for You!

We hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new about the new moon and how to work with its inherent magic. We also have a special surprise for you, which we will reveal on the eve of this lunar month’s Full Moon. To receive this FREE gift, simply sign up for our monthly newsletter, where you will also get updates on our publishing calendar, new products, in-person magical meet-ups, and online events (including livestreaming and video-on-demandcourses and seminars). Don’t miss this opportunity to join our vibrant community of cunningfolk and wisdom seekers—where together we can de-mystify, modernize, and empower one another with esoteric truths, occult knowledge, and magical practicess.

To sign up, just click on this link and enter your name and email address. You will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Make sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see it in your inbox. Once you confirm your subscription, you will be on our mailing list and one of the first to receive your FREE surprise on our next Full Moon (also called the “Harvest Moon,” at least in the Old Farmer’s Almanac, because it heralds the warming thaw of the soil, when larvae and worms start peeking out, ready for Spring weather)—on March 25th, 2024! We’re excited about it—barely able to keep it a secret—and hope you will be, as well.

We can’t wait to share this special gift with you and to continue together on our journey of moon magic. Stay tuned for our next post, where we will explore the waxing crescent moon and how to use its powerful energy to attract and manifest anything you desire.

Until then, blessed be and Happy New Moon! 🌑✨

Artifex is the founder of Cunning Folk Media. He has over 30 years of practice and study of Western and Eastern systems of magic. He is currently working on another book: The Technonomicon, a grimoire of “future ancient magic” which will be published soon.

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