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My Reaction To The 2025 U.S. Election Results And A Free Audiobook Excerpt From MEMETICON: New Memetic Sorcery

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The election of Donald Trump, yet again, has left America—and the world—stunned.

But not me—I saw it unfolding in the weeks since Biden dropped out of the election.

Regardless of one’s political stance, his re-emergence as a world power reveals something unprecedented about the shape of influence and the mastery of reality itself. Beneath the spectacle and noise lies a subtle and ancient form of magic: memetic sorcery, a quiet, unassuming art perfected by modern-day cybersorcerers. This blog post dives into how last night’s election validates the methods within our upcoming release, MEMETICON, and how these principles work, often hidden in plain sight. By tracing the memetic campaign surrounding Trump, we’ll see how the practices outlined in MEMETICON serve as the most potent tools for anyone seeking real-world transformation through the art of Technomancy.

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As part of this, we’re releasing a complimentary sneak preview of the audiobook version of MEMETICON on our site. This excerpt will give you a front-row seat into the methods that have been used, intentionally or not, to shape and alter collective consciousness. Through these methods, you will see how the rise of a “meme president” underscores the depth and power of memetic influence on our reality. Download it, immerse yourself, and start unlocking these tools for yourself.

Trump, Memetic Sorcery, and the Resurrection of an Archetype

Trump’s political rise can be understood as a memetic event—a phenomenon that plays on archetypes and myths embedded in our collective unconscious. His image, voice, and presence became symbols that resonated with various American subcultures and “reality tunnels.” But this movement didn’t happen organically; it was cultivated and weaponized by online communities adept in the use of memes as a form of “reality hacking.” This is where the techniques in MEMETICON find their roots, drawing on the immense power of meme magic to reshape the psyche of a nation.

The phenomenon didn’t begin last night. It started in 2016, on online message boards like 4chan, where a group of anonymous internet users weaponized the power of the internet’s most beloved (and loathed) creature: the frog. Pépe the Frog became an avatar of memetic sorcery, a symbolic force that eventually took on mythic proportions. But to understand this, we must travel further back, beyond 4chan, to ancient Egypt and the primordial god Kek, a frog-headed deity symbolizing chaos and darkness. Just as Kek’s laughter rings through the void, bringing the universe into motion, so too did Pépe resonate within the chaotic landscape of online politics.

These 4chan cybersorcerers, or “memetic warriors,” began invoking Pépe with the reverence of a magical sigil, plastering his face across social media as an icon of subversion and disruption. This invocation of Pépe was more than just an internet trend; it was a symbolic, collective act of will. It was as though Pépe, like a summoned entity, rose from the primordial soup of online consciousness, embodying chaos and rebellion. What they did was no different than ancient magicians using sigils and symbols to communicate with entities on the astral plane; however, they did it through images, memes, and repetitive invocation across digital channels. These were not magicians in dark robes, but ordinary users, intentionally or not, participating in a modern ritual that was shaping reality itself.

The return of Trump, against all odds, shows the cyclical nature of memetic power and proves that these archetypes are still very much alive. Memes operate like viral agents that enter the mind, bypassing logical defenses and embedding deep-seated ideas directly into our psyche. Last night’s election demonstrated this beautifully. Memetic sorcery had woven an archetypal “strong man” figure, a symbol that resonates on a deeply primal level with those who seek strength, stability, and dominance—qualities often associated with survival in uncertain times. And yet, Trump’s image has been just as tied to chaos, embodying the very duality that the ancient Kek represents.

This wasn’t just a victory in the electoral sense; it was an example of how reality can be molded by careful manipulation of symbols and ideas. MEMETICON will teach you how to recognize, channel, and deploy these same methods in your own life, empowering you to shape outcomes and create shifts in your own reality tunnels. Understanding the nature of archetypes and how to wield them is fundamental to the memetic techniques outlined in the book, and Trump’s resurgence offers a case study in how this magic works on a grand scale.

The Anatomy of Meme Magic: Pépe as the Avatar of Kek

One of the primary methods employed by the early memeticists on 4chan was to give Pépe the Frog a kind of spiritual significance. Images of Pépe became widespread, always appearing at the right time, often accompanied by phrases like “Kek wills it” or “Praise Kek.” This established an odd blend of reverence and humor that grew in power, aligning thousands of people under one shared narrative. The invocation of Pépe was meant to channel the archetype of Kek, amplifying his resonance. The seemingly absurd repetition of Pépe’s image across the internet transformed him from a cartoon character into a powerful symbol of chaos, a deity of the online underworld.

Through the techniques we outline in MEMETICON, you’ll discover how this same method can be applied outside of internet culture to influence real-world situations. Here’s how the memetic techniques used with Pépe can be applied in other areas:

1. Repetition and Saturation: Memes work because they penetrate the collective unconscious by appearing consistently and frequently. This principle is similar to sigil magic, where symbols are embedded in the mind until they become potent. When enough people see an image or phrase repeatedly, it becomes part of their reality. This is a cornerstone of MEMETICON’s techniques for shaping reality through focused intent.

2. Embedding in Archetypes: By positioning Pépe as a manifestation of Kek, the 4chan community gave him an archetypal structure, drawing on an ancient narrative of chaos and transformation. Understanding and working with archetypes are core principles in MEMETICON. These primal symbols reside within all of us, and when harnessed effectively, they become vehicles for profound change.

3. Collective Participation: The nature of memetic influence depends on collective focus. Each person who shared an image of Pépe was adding to the symbolic energy around Kek. This mirrors traditional magical practices where collective energy is raised through ritual. As MEMETICON explains, this energy becomes exponential as more people participate, which is why collective meme magic has the power to influence events as vast as elections.

4. Synchronicity and Timing: Memetic sorcery often relies on striking at opportune moments. The memes took off at a time when political tensions were high, giving them the fertile ground needed to resonate. Synchronizing actions with larger trends is another concept explored in MEMETICON, teaching you how to align your actions with the rhythms of larger cultural or societal forces.

Techniques from MEMETICON You Can Start Using Today

The techniques applied by the memetic warriors behind Pépe and Trump’s resurgence are far from unique to internet culture. They’re rooted in principles that have been used in magic, philosophy, and esoteric traditions for centuries. MEMETICON provides a comprehensive guide on how to use these methods in your own life, whether it’s for personal transformation or influencing the broader world around you. Here’s a glimpse at what you’ll find in the book:

  • Sigil Creation and Activation: Learn how to craft potent symbols that encapsulate your intent and wield these in a way that maximizes their impact.
  • The Power of Archetypes: Explore key archetypes like the Warrior, Trickster, and Sage, and learn to activate them in yourself and others.
  • Meme Alchemy: Techniques for infusing memes with symbolic energy, transforming them into carriers of influence that can alter perspectives and plant ideas.
  • Reality Tunnels: Discover how to shift reality by altering your perception, reshaping beliefs, and aligning with desired outcomes.
  • Timing and Synchronicity: Master the art of acting at the right moment, aligning your intent with larger currents for maximum effect.
  • Collective Will: Learn how to channel collective intent, amplify it, and align it with a unified purpose, turning individual desires into shared reality.

Conclusion: Become the Author of Your Reality

The election of Donald Trump last night serves as a powerful example of memetic sorcery in action. The rise of a leader, fueled by archetypes and chaos magic, proves that reality can be shaped and molded by those who understand its underlying mechanics. MEMETICON is more than a book—it’s a handbook for the modern sorcerer, a guide for those who wish to tap into the flow of influence, thought, and archetype that shape the world around us.

Download the free audiobook excerpt and dive into the techniques used by the memeticists of 4chan and the practitioners of meme magic who have redefined what it means to shape reality. With MEMETICON, you’ll gain the tools to become a Memetic Warrior Mage, wielding symbols, archetypes, and ideas to impact your world. Join us, and step into the ancient, yet future-bound, art of Technomancy.

MEMETICON — Coming soon to Amazon and Audiobook.

Artifex is the founder of Cunning Folk Media. He has over 30 years of practice and study of Western and Eastern systems of magic. He is currently working on another book: The Technonomicon, a grimoire of “future ancient magic” which will be published soon.

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